Liberal or Conservative, you must admit that there are problems with our two-party system that were forewarned by our founding father

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Who's Racist or Sexist Now

Curious results, or perhaps not so curious, from election polls in Indiana and North Carolina.

For white men in Indiana the number are 58/41 Clinton/Obama, and white women 61/39.

Overwhelmingly, black men and women are supporting Obama 92/8.

Not much difference financially, contrasting the lowest bracket to highest the numbers range from 57/43 to 54/46 in favor of Clinton.

In North Carolina the number are only a little different.

White men in NC are supporting Clinton 54/40 while white women are at 64/32.

Overwhelmingly, black men in NC are supporting Obama 92/6 and black women 91/5

If you would like to see all the exit poll results, go here:

Overall, from state to state, it seems that blacks are overwhelmingly supporting Obama generally at an 85/15 ratio ( this is just a guestimate on my part, as his numbers range from the high 70's to the low 90's). Still, it seems to indicate that race is a major factor in the black vote. An interesting point is that 81% of those polled said race was not important, and while 8% of blacks and whites said race was a factor, only 24% of blacks said it was not, while 54% of whites said it was not.

Some interesting, although possibly somewhat controversial, statistics, although certainly something to get you thinking.


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