Liberal or Conservative, you must admit that there are problems with our two-party system that were forewarned by our founding father

Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Worst in Politics

Steven Ybarra, democratic super-delegate has offered his vote...for $20 million.

Ostensibly, he wishes to use the money to register and educate Mexican-American voters.

This has got to be the most disgusting behavior I have seen yet, I am totally and utterly appalled. This man belongs in jail for he is the epitome of corruption...and if his behavior under federal and state law is not illegal, it ought to be.

You might argue that his motives are just and he is not seeking personal gain...but is he? Undoubtedly, as a Democratic super-delegate, his intent is to register and educate these Mexican-American voters to be good democratic party voters. I seriously doubt he is out there registering voters for the Republican party. In the end, is his intent not to get another 1.3 million (his figure not mine) democratic voters out there for the presidential election? Is his personal gain not getting his party into office? Welcome to the new Tammany Hall!

This is the perfect illustration of the 'rot' in American politics, and the perfect reason to get rid of super-delegates. What is a super-delegate after all? Whatever happened to 1 man 1 vote? Now the political elite of both parties are given undue influence in our government as a form of political patronage. It is estimated that right now, the vote of a super-delegate is worth the vote of 10,000 of the common man. Is this what we fought a revolution for? This disgusting subversion of our democratic ideals?

This is behavior worthy of the backroom political machinations of the Kremlin, not the world's bastion of democracy. I for one am outraged and utterly ashamed, as an American, of this despicable and abhorrent political intrigue.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, unless you kiss enough posteriors in your political party in which case we'll make you a super-delegate.


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