Liberal or Conservative, you must admit that there are problems with our two-party system that were forewarned by our founding father

Friday, April 25, 2008

America is not the gift basket of the world!

Food crisis sends Haitian boat people to US.

It is hard not to have compassion towards those who are suffering, yet one must ask when does it stop? We do not have unlimited resources, unlimited services, unlimited jobs, and unlimited money. With every illegal migrant the overall standard of living for each American declines a tiny bit. Each case taken individually is insignificant, it is in the totality of the problem that the numbers and effects add up.

"I will leave with the next boat going to Miami because I can no longer resist this hunger, I have four children and I don't have a job and everything is expensive, even for those who are working," Marcel Jonassaint said. "So what do you want me to do?"

I don't know what to tell you Marcel, other than you're not our problem, stay in your own country. What am I supposed to do? Give you a job? Give you a job that could have went to an American or a legal immigrant? Provide you with housing? Medical care? America is not the gift basket of the world. America is also not the answer to your problems, nor is it the cause of them. We are not responsible for your government's mismanagement of your country, its economy and its resources.

"It is clear that more boat people have been leaving the country and you should expect even more if they cannot find an alternative," said Pierre, director for the country's national migration office , who urged the government and the international community to set up programs to ease the plight of the poorest and most vulnerable.

Excuse me? I got news for you're part of the government... do something. While the international community and America are fairly compassionate and generous, the plight of your poor and vulnerable rests at your feet, not ours. I am sure there will be aid, the question is what will you do with it? How much of it will reach the poor and vulnerable? How much will line the pockets of corrupt politicians? The answer Pierre is not to beg, but to stand up, be recognized, and fix your own problems.

Human rights activist Renan Hedouville said Haitians are leaving because the government and the rest of the world have turned a blind eye to the hungry. "The universal right to have access to food has been neglected and denied to so many people," Hedouville said. "That's why people in desperate straits are taking to the sea, risking their lives and seeking a solution which is not really one."

The universal right to have access to food? What, my food? Don't you have land in Haiti? According to one source 28% of your land is arable, yet only 11% is under cultivation. We produce our own food here in the US and export the excess. Your labor did not produce it, yet you believe you have an entitlement to it? Your country has been identified as one of the most corrupt in the world, on a list of 179 countries, you are fourth from the bottom. It is not our fault that your people don't have access to food... look no further than the mirror to find the culprit.

Believe me, the generosity of America will send you food... what we do not need to do is send you an open invitation to eat at our table. We already provide you aid. Between 1985 and 2003 we gave you $850 million. In 2004 we gave you $435 Million, in 2006 we gave you another $200 Million, in fact, the US is Haiti's largest donor, with another $128 million slated for this year. How many billions of dollars do we need to send? We hand out almost $30 Billion in aid each year, and that is just our government.

Another $3.4 Billion gets handed out by US based foundations, $4.9 Billion from US business, $5.7 Billion from private and volunteer organizations (and another $4 Billion in time alone), $1.7 Billion in scholarships to foreign students, $4.5 Billion from religious organizations, and collectively, out of the goodness of their hearts, another $47 Billion comes out of the pockets of American citizens in the form of remittances.

Over the last 50 years, the West has given $2.7 Trillion dollars to developing countries. Don't talk to us about a 'blind eye', it is time for you to stand up and set your own house in order instead of blaming everyone else... that is the root cause of your difficulties. Not too many people are going to Haiti on vacation, and why is that? Is it the violent armed gangs that roam your streets? The rampant crime? The complete and utter deforestation of your island? I suppose you cut down all but 2% of the trees to manufacture charcoal because we didn't give you enough fuel.

America gives and gives and gives, and more often than not it is throwing good money after bad. It's funny... do a search on the Internet for US aid, I think you'll find it flowing rather one sided. America is accused of being a bully on the world stage, when was the last time you were beat up in the school yard and forced to accept someones lunch money? America is accused of being an imperial power, sometimes I wish we were... it would certainly be cheaper.


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