Liberal or Conservative, you must admit that there are problems with our two-party system that were forewarned by our founding father

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

New Math: Clinton, Obama both ahead

Both Clinton and Obama claim being ahead following the Pennsylvania primary. I suppose one can chalk it up to 'new math'. Two plus two equals five after all! Now matter how you add it up, one things for sure... I'm getting sick and tired of it all as this race drags on, and on, and on, and on, and on...

Seriously though, out of all this... who do I put ahead? Why John McCain of course. As the song goes... 'nothing could be finer than to be in Carolina....'

As Clinton and Obama duel, the only one unscathed is McCain... the guy holding the pistols, as he undoubtedly is sitting on the sidelines laughing his ### off.

Heck, he doesn't even need to run commercials, as his staff couldn't possibly be coming up with better stuff to use against Clinton and Obama than their own campaigns are providing. Even better, as the two candidates slash each other, McCain walks scott free of any of the negativity the voters feel to all this hacking.

Keep it up, drag it out... nothing could be better for Republicans than this Democratic run-off, neck to neck, down to the wire, watch from the bleachers as the Democratic Party self-destructs.

How negative will it go? Only time will tell, the question is will they ever recover from it.


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