Liberal or Conservative, you must admit that there are problems with our two-party system that were forewarned by our founding father

Friday, April 11, 2008

Islam and the West

I was recently pointed in this direction by an old friend of mine... check out the story, and be sure to click on the links at:

I, until recently, was completely unaware of Pat Condell.

Now, you will either love or hate Pat... he is completely honest and outspoken, yet his views on Islam, however right, are certainly not politically correct.

It is refreshing to see someone stand up and speak out for the West, for Western Civilization, our values, and our way of life. Kind of makes me want to run off and join the Knights Templar. Pat points out in his videos that our very civilization is under assault and we are active participants in that assault.

Pat's speech is harsh, raw, controversial, and completely on target. There is no mollycoddling here, no patronizing political correctness, just straight talk and he doesn't care who he offends. Be forewarned, Pat is a secular atheist and Christians will be as offended by his views on Christianity as Muslims are on his views of Islam. This is free speech at its purest.

Bravo! Pat, my hat is off to you.

Makes me proud to be Irish

It was my intent to post once a day, but I couldn't pass this one up.

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